Wednesday, October 28, 2009





Why am I still clinging on to this?

Monday, October 26, 2009

The past. The present. The doomed future.

It's comforting to know that I'm not alone in this.

Borrowed words via

Monday, October 12, 2009

I Wrote This For You: The Handled With Care

"If you knew how much trouble the universe went to for us to be here, now, standing in front of each other, you'd know we're going to have to be careful.

Plankton and plants and canals, a hundred suns, a thousand sailing ships, ten thousand civilizations, a million, million, million first kisses from all our mothers and fathers.

We owe it to them, to be careful."

Borrowed words via:
I Wrote This For You: The Handled With Care

Shared via AddThis

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The Hun­ger to do something creative.

The Hun­ger to do something amazing.

The Hun­ger to change the world.

The Hun­ger to make a difference.

The Hun­ger to enjoy one’s work.

The Hun­ger to be able to look back and say, Yeah, cool, I did that.

The Hun­ger to make the most of this utterly brief blip of time Crea­tion has given us.

The Hun­ger to dream the good dreams.

The Hun­ger to have ama­zing peo­ple in our lives.

The Hun­ger to have the synap­ses con­ti­nually fired up on overdrive.

The Hun­ger to expe­rience beauty.

The Hun­ger to tell the truth.

The Hun­ger to be part of something big­ger than yourself.

The Hun­ger to have good sto­ries to tell.

The Hun­ger to stay the course, des­pite of the odds.

The Hun­ger to feel passion.

The Hun­ger to know and express Love.

The Hun­ger to know and express Joy.

The Hun­ger to chan­nel The Divine.

The Hun­ger to actually feel alive.

The Hun­ger will give you everything. And it will take from you, everything. It will cost you your life, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

But kno­wing this, of course, is what ulti­ma­tely sets you free.

~Hugh MacLeod (via