Friday, September 19, 2008

This is me. This is me not caring. See the difference?!!

5 months. That's how long ago we first met. That's how long we managed to enjoy each other. I'm surprised we even got this far. I think you were part of the Universe's integral plan to help me get out of an engagement that wasn't meant to be, and for that...i thank you. :)

This isn't an ode to you (yeah, knowing how fucking perasan you'd think this was a shrine for you kan) but if, for some weird reason you ACTUALLY stumble upon and read what i write, then at least it'll help you understand what i feel/ think/ do.

Babe, you were a prick that day. You shouldn't have thrown my ciggies out the window (and ok fine, maybe i shouldn't have said, "FUCK.YOU!" quite so harshly either). But dude, you were laying on the unwanted sarcasm pretty fucking thick! I think, out of all the "Fuck you-s" and "Screw you-s" we ever said to one another (jokingly or otherwise), this particular one was probably your best deserved one. You're an idiot. You're an idiot for not understanding Malaysian culture/ rules/ norms, and an even BIGGER idiot for not respecting what i didn't wanna do. Those close to me would know what happened at this point but for the rest, trust me...he should have respected my wishes. I wasn't giving attitude...I gave courtesy. And if your foreign ass can't see that, then TOO. FUCKING. BAD!

So, watever. Great timing Babe. You got what you want. We got sick of each other and now you're free to chase pussy as you please. And CONGRATZ. I now, officially don't care anymore.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Exit: Stage left.

Oh god. I just read her blog. Just kinda stumbled on it, really. Never knew she was that deep. And it confirmed a lot of the things that i suspected. But instead of bitterness or anger (or even jealousy) i only felt moved. I think she's still in love with him. I could be wrong (u know how vague people are in blogs kan).

I don't want mess with this anymore la. Like, if she was bitchy and what not it would've been a lot easier. But she's sweet, and thoughtful and DEEEEP (did i mention deep??). And er, she's also very emo. I can't la.If anything, i don't wanna end up like that.

So, I'm making my exit. A graceful one...The years and the men have prepared me for this.

*Takes a bow*

EXIT: Stage left!