I told Syida and Ash before, it's a privilege to stay at home ALL day and do nothing. I mean, there's only so much clubbing a person can take. I'm all up for a mossive party and all that shit but after a while, it's really nice to be able to stay at home, and live under the comforter.
We went for a movie Saturday night to watch Shutter. It's the watered-down American version -_-. Goes to say, it didn't live up to its original Thai namesake. We kinda knew what to expect as well, so there were no surprises la. The only plus point was Joshua Jackson. Too fucking bad he had to turn mental in the end. But even when he's gila and sakit jiwa, he's still hot! HAHAHAHA. Oh wait. I AM attracted to screwed-up people. ;p That's why i find Britney Spears so compelling.
Anyhoo, Showpink's having another junkyard sale.

Woots! Missed out on the LapSap one last weekend @ Palate Pallete. So, I'll DEFINATELY be goin this weekend. It's strange. I'm falling in love with the whole NU Rave thing. Its Neon brights, its disjointed mix of music, its awkwardness, its anti-fashion statement. Thanks to Blink and his LapSap movement. ;p I'm trying to locate this one song I've been hearing when Blink spins. Fuck. I dunno what it's called. -_- But it's awesome wey.
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