Monday, April 14, 2008

My biggest (AND filthiest) accomplishment of 2008~

*Does anyone even read this blog???*


Okay, that outta the way, i have made my biggest accomplishment this year, so far. No, i haven't won a creative award yet. And no, i haven't gotten married yet (why is that even considered an accomplishment again?!). And no i haven't snogged John Legend...YET! ;p

But what i HAVE done, is make two cute boys tongue each other. O_o With me in the middle. >_<

VJ sed i gave them a raw deal. And that i prolly turned them into a couple of gay-boys.Hahahaha. But hey, they oni did that to tongue ME! Haloooo. SO worth it.

It scares me sumtimes, how filthy my soul is. HAHAHAHA. No, really! I take pleasure in the most twisted things. Guys making-out with each other...guys wearing women's lingerie...guys in high-heels (feather boa optional)... O_o I'm gonna stop now. I'm scaring myself sial.

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