Wednesday, October 22, 2008

NOT an emo post/ Ham Sap Subliminal messages

Read back all my past blogs. Lately it's been nothing but emo..emo...EMO! -_-. My life is REALLY not that angst-y, i swear. Guess all beef and anger goes here, as opposed to me randomly exploding in people's face. But enuff of that, here's a post that is emo-free. *clapclap* ;-)


Here's my daily (work) ritual. Mondays- Fridays:

> Slaughter a chicken.
> Haha. Yea rite. Gila. Wat for i slaughter a chicken pagi-pagi?!
> Get ready. Blah-di-blah-di-blah. Get into the office.
> Plug laptop charger in. Turn laptop on.
> Make elixir of life #1 i.e coffee.
> Open office mail.
> Log into MSN msger.
> Check Hotmail account.
> Log on to...(wat else?) FaceBook!
> Read KinkyBlueFairy's blog.
> Depending on how rajin i am at this point, maybe even layan
> Write.
> REach for elixor of life #2 i.e Ciggies.Smoke.
> Second cup of coffee.
> Continue work.
> Melt into oblivion as the day passes...

These are set regimens, every morning. I just realized that I've been doing this for the past 1 year! O_o.In THIS exact order. I always thought i wasn't much for routines but hey...guess we all are creatures of comfort. ;)


OMG OMG OMG. hahahhahaa. You have to watch this clip. It's fucking hilarious. I'm torn between being mortally horrified...or psychotically amused! Was just talking about subliminal messages with Susu last night ;). He was telling me about how there's an entire group, sumwhere online that dedicates themselves to finding sexual subliminal messages in all Disney movies. *LMAO*

Enjoy the pervertness of it all...

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