Been applying myself at work more. ;D Currently working on an EXCITING pitch for an ice-cream brand. For the first time, i feel like i REALLY wanna win an account.
Went to Pangkor for some sand, sun and surf action...
Went to PD with the fam for a bit (cuz my mom sez it's been AGES since she had all her kids at the same place, at the same time). More tan lines!
Then i decided i'm verging on niggadom cuz of all the beach holidaying. -_-. So i buggered-off to some place colder. ;)
Went to a couple of parties. I been good this year. I've cut down on the alco intake *muka bangga*.
This was at the Chivas: Live with Chivalry event. Went with Ahmed and his wingman, Jay.
And they had horses! Can i have one for my bday pleeeeease?
Errr...i fed the horse alco. O_o. But apparently it liked it.
Had a catch-up session with Juju, Farid and Kareem. Dinner and Shisha @ Sahara Tent, then an unscheduled stop for shooter shots/ bar-hopping/ crazy dancing at Changkat Bkt. Bintang.
Damn that was FUN!
And oh ya. Trying to stop nonsense. What nonsense u ask? The over-the-sea-at-another-country-bullshit-long-distance-crap kinda nonsense. -_-.
Taib. 5ala9! (Translation: Fine. Finish!)
you sure he's not your 'long distance cousin'? hhohohohohohohho
HAHAHAHA. I immediately knew it was u Chii-Weeeee!How fucked-up wud dat be tho...if he WAS my cousin (long distance or otherwise). Eew.
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