Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mari menulis.


I have been slowly formulating loose new year's resolution(s) this past week. Well... it's quite daunting to call it RESOLUTIONS, so I'm going to call them PLANS, instead. Yes. I am formulating new year's plans, as we speak. :)

One of 'em shall be to update this blog everyday. Another would be to cut down on my coffee intake to, let's just say... a cup every working day week? (I've been doing that for the past week actually! Bangga.)

Things have been going according to plan lately. Adry's getting with the program. Hooray. Sila tepuk tangan!

I've left CRUSH & joined BBDO/Proximity. :)

I've detoxed you outta my system. Close to completely. :D

I've been making ME, the most important person in my life. :)

And i actually LIKE my own company. Sumtimes even more than other people's. O_o.


My head's going sum place different right now. A.D.D sial. -_-. Gotta work on that. Ooh look sumthing shiiiiny!


Anonymous said...

visiting u here:D

His Lovely Princess said...

Anda suka menulis?
Jom singgah :)