Thursday, January 8, 2009


There's sumthing u need to know bout me...

That i adapt.

Sumtimes too quickly and sumtimes not quick enuff.

Give me a week (or two) to mourn the loss of what we had, then u'll see...

That i get used to operating on solo-drive and I move on.

I get bored swimming in misery and start paddling my way out. And before u know it, I'm on dry land.

Thank u for being worried about me. It's both sweet AND insulting at the same time. ;)

But I'll be ok.

I'll always miss u like a mother fucker but seriously, I'm not UNhappy.

So allow me to go all Spanish Telenovela-ish on the world (and on ur ass occasionally) rite now, cuz after this, it'll die down. It always does.

But u know i luv u rite. ;) Cuz for wat it's worth, I was happy when i was with u... :D

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