Saturday, May 24, 2008

Death by Playah

You know it's not going to be pretty. You meet a playah PLAYAH, and it's all fun and laughter (thanks Poomela for the phrase ;p).THEN, it gets...strange.

For the next few weeks or so, things are all awesome. You're excited, you have crazy fun (and even CRAZIER sex)and somehow, you feel invincible. Like nothing can touch you. You realize that you're actually happy.

Then fuck, you start falling for this playah. -_- I don't recommend it. I don't fucking recommend it AT ALL. And the worst bit outta all this shitty circumstance? You know you're a player too. Nothing good can come out of this, i tell ya.

Say it with me now people:




Don't die at the hands of a player. No matter HOW cute he is.

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