Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Off tandem...

My eating patterns have been a lil off lately. Usually i skip breakfast altogether, just having coffee and ciggies in the morning and only PROPERLY eating at lunch. These few days I've been eating brunch and skipping lunch (looks like I'm doing that again today -_-). Then i get ravenous around 3 or 4 in the afternoon.

It's actually good, i think. Coz then i can do other stuff at lunch i.e, Sleeping, shopping, do my hair, or my nails yata yata yata. Fuck. Now i sound like a shallow bimbo.


Unknown said...

Missed u at Intan's Nikah la babe. Was really hoping to see you. Nanti we get together K. Sheena's birthday is soon...

AdRy said...

I know babe. Things just sprang on me. SHITTY things. I feel bad about missing Intan's wedding.Sure. Let's meet up for Sheen's birthday. :)