The CORBIS Futsal tournie is here again! And like last year, all agency teams also have a cheersquad. The TBWA cheerleaders won 'Best Cheer' in 2007 *yay* (REGARDLESS of us being the ONLY cheerleading squad -_- Wateva. We were still awesome.)'08 sees me as not part of the cheerleading squad anymore, but as the choreograpaher/ coach/ cikgu. ;)

Heard that there'll be sum stiff competition this year (2 other agencies are also sending in their cheergirls). But gurrrrl. You better BRING IT!

darlin adry...ur writing is sooo cool and live.... rasa macam u tgh cakap depan2...so cute!!! cayok!!! ;)
Aww. Thanks gurl ;). I try my bestest to entertain my readers (if any -_-)HAHA.
omg. i didn't realise you were one of the cheerleaders!
You were there Justine?? O_o hahahaa.
yeah, but i arrived super late. my boys already got kicked out of the tourney and nursing beers to ease the pain.
but i secretly just went to watch hot cheerleader chicas anyway. ;p
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