Sunday, July 12, 2009

"Oh, look Ma...a Pig!"

...Sez the first person contracting the Swine Flu.


You know how, for the past month I've been making fun of all things swine AND swine related?'s FLU, has come back to haunt me. -_-. Yes people, I am currently under home-quarantine for being a suspect Influenza A(h1n1)victim(?)-SLASH-carrier *Looks down in defeat*. Been feeling feverish on-and-off for the past week or so and developed flu a few days later. Got worried coz there were confirmed h1n1 cases at Urbanscapes.

Being the Hypochondriac that I am, my paranoia (fortified by my PARENTS' paranoia) urged me to go to the doctors. So, i went to HUKM. I was isolated (official term: quarantined), poked EVERYWHERE for blood (apparetly coz I'm so small and "halus", they can't find my veins -_-) and I.V dripped me like there's no tomorrow. And oh ya, did i mention? They made me wear a facemask...AND sit on a damn wheelchair while i was hooked-up to the I.V drip. Tiu Na Seng. Having the flu, does not make me an O.K.U. -___-.

Anyways, after more than 3 hours at the hospital... the doctor released me. I'm under "goverment M.C" - Watever that means, till weds untill i get my bloodtest results. Shud i be in the clear, life goes on as normal. Shud i be positive for h1n1, somebody from Sungai Buloh Hospital will come and collect me.

At the moment, I feel sluggish frm all the medication and I feel like crap (and prolly look like one too) *SIGH*.

Ok, getting drowsy.

Oh, before i forget. Sorry pigs, if i ever made fun of you. I din mean it ok. Pls dun unleash ur pig-wrath on me now. I have some radio ad scripts to present to clients sumtime VERY soon. Thank you.

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