My soul, that is.
I don't know WHY i torture myself like this.
But yea...I'm hurting rite now.
So...pls give me space and time to self-medicate.
Thank u.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Birthday List~
Another year has come and gone...and by the time u know it, it's December again! That means... my birthday's around the corner. I know i shud be excited and shit but i kinda hate birthdays. There's always drama on the day itself, so i try not to make a big fuss about it. Like, i'll emo on the 20th coz i know i'm getting older. Then i'll emo coz i'm hoping that people will remember it. But then i'll tell myself that it's no biggie, and it's OK if people don't make a fuss it's my birthday. But then i really WILL emo when people don't. -_-. Bluergh. I'm so terencat sumtimes.'s a shortlist of things i want for my birthday. I'm being very practical this year, and want only things that i NEED. So, if by any chance any of my AWESOME friends see know wat to get me for my bday ok? ;) Thank u in advance...
Adry's bday wishlist (In no order of preference):
-A wallet/ purse (I've been clinging on to the one i have now for YONKS! Don't ask why)
-MAC Studio Fix powder foundation in NC40 (Coz i'm running out of it)
-Black heels (For work)
-A handphone (I know this one's a lil' O_o. But i really DO need one k. My beloved pink Motorola is die-ing on me. *SOOOOB*)
- A nice black handbag (So it'll match with my black work-heels, for those SERIOUS days meeting clients)
Other than that, a Unicorn would also be quite LARV-LIE! ;p But failing to catch one, buying me booze would also work. Same thing actually. Coz they both are MAGICAL.
OH oh. One more bday wish. Can i have YOU as a pressie? Pls?? ;) Tie a red ribbon around urself and let me unravel it? Pretty plssss with a cherry on top?'s a shortlist of things i want for my birthday. I'm being very practical this year, and want only things that i NEED. So, if by any chance any of my AWESOME friends see know wat to get me for my bday ok? ;) Thank u in advance...
Adry's bday wishlist (In no order of preference):
-A wallet/ purse (I've been clinging on to the one i have now for YONKS! Don't ask why)
-MAC Studio Fix powder foundation in NC40 (Coz i'm running out of it)
-Black heels (For work)
-A handphone (I know this one's a lil' O_o. But i really DO need one k. My beloved pink Motorola is die-ing on me. *SOOOOB*)
- A nice black handbag (So it'll match with my black work-heels, for those SERIOUS days meeting clients)
Other than that, a Unicorn would also be quite LARV-LIE! ;p But failing to catch one, buying me booze would also work. Same thing actually. Coz they both are MAGICAL.
OH oh. One more bday wish. Can i have YOU as a pressie? Pls?? ;) Tie a red ribbon around urself and let me unravel it? Pretty plssss with a cherry on top?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Updates! In condensed form.
- I was being punished. Didn't go to Kancils this year. -_-. Sux ass. But i understand.
- Been helping Susu with the packing. The house is pretty much bare now. :'(
- Some clever maneuvering was required DURING the packing stage, so as to NOT run into a certain ex. Kinda shitty actually. But...i understand. Kinda.
- Oh oh. Went to pay ALL my bills. ALONE. On Saturday. *BEAMS* I'm kinda proud of myself. ;D
- Went to the Zouk Grand Launch. Was hella fun! But i have a feeling that this'll be one of the last parties i'll ever go to with Susu. *siiigh*
- Chilled by the pool in Kg. Warisan on Sunday. Was kinda awesome. The hot weather...cold beer...the water's nice...books...
- Went to Amed's new condo in Sunway after that to help out with MORE moving.-_-
- Then we (Farid, Babe and I) went to Palate Pallate to grab a bite to eat. We had sandwhiches, all washed down with a cold glass of Hoegarden. ;D NIIIIIICE!
- Went to the pool again that nite. I'm surprised i haven't died of Pneumonia yet!
- Oh ya. My mom's not angry with me anymore. YAYS! :)
- I'm eating keropok ikan as i'm typing this rite now. HAHA. Sumone brought a whole stack to the opis. I wish there was some chillie sauce to dip it in...
That's it for the past week. I'm lookin forward to seeing my Poos for WIP this weds. We havin Sushi. Yummmm. :D
- Been helping Susu with the packing. The house is pretty much bare now. :'(
- Some clever maneuvering was required DURING the packing stage, so as to NOT run into a certain ex. Kinda shitty actually. But...i understand. Kinda.
- Oh oh. Went to pay ALL my bills. ALONE. On Saturday. *BEAMS* I'm kinda proud of myself. ;D
- Went to the Zouk Grand Launch. Was hella fun! But i have a feeling that this'll be one of the last parties i'll ever go to with Susu. *siiigh*
- Chilled by the pool in Kg. Warisan on Sunday. Was kinda awesome. The hot weather...cold beer...the water's nice...books...
- Went to Amed's new condo in Sunway after that to help out with MORE moving.-_-
- Then we (Farid, Babe and I) went to Palate Pallate to grab a bite to eat. We had sandwhiches, all washed down with a cold glass of Hoegarden. ;D NIIIIIICE!
- Went to the pool again that nite. I'm surprised i haven't died of Pneumonia yet!
- Oh ya. My mom's not angry with me anymore. YAYS! :)
- I'm eating keropok ikan as i'm typing this rite now. HAHA. Sumone brought a whole stack to the opis. I wish there was some chillie sauce to dip it in...
That's it for the past week. I'm lookin forward to seeing my Poos for WIP this weds. We havin Sushi. Yummmm. :D
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I'm a little worried...
...that Sean's gonna hunt JoyceTheFairy down, seduce her and then bang her. JUST coz i ADORE her like mad!!!
I know Susu won't. But i wudn't trust his alter-ego with my MOM hokay. He hits on anything female that moves. Screw the Quality Control. Haha.
I know Susu won't. But i wudn't trust his alter-ego with my MOM hokay. He hits on anything female that moves. Screw the Quality Control. Haha.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Work, that is.
Work's been awesome these few days. *Beams*
My CD has been sending me to interview some advertising titans for a project CRUSH is doing with Pixelpost (Kancil Awards Hall of Fame).
I'm basically the person behind (well...more like, BESIDE) the camera asking questions for the inductees' testimonial. The whole day is spent with the Pixelpost boys (who are ADORABLE by the way ;p), going from one agency to another, meeting all these GREAT advertising otai-s, talking and learning, absorbing and basking in the greatness of the hall of famers' stories.
One word to describe this whole experience: EDUCATIONAL.
It has also ignited my passion for advertising ALL OVER AGAIN. :D
It's good to be reminded why I'm still in this industry.
Some randoms thought while working on this project:
* LB (Leo Burnett for the uninitiated) is SO. FUCKING. AWESOME! The office is unbelievable. That is one place i SWEAR I'll be working at, at some point of my advertising career. ;)
* I fell in love with Yasmin Ahmad, without even meeting the woman.
* I'm intrigued by John Machado and am saddened that i didn't get to know such a great ad-man.
* GPS systems work! HAHAHA. Chris (Pixelpost's Director) has one in his car. Names it 'Sally' (O_o) and INSISTS that she's accurate. She's screw-y sumtimes, but...oh well. Layan oni la the English boy.
* The older generation ad people don't believe in being impromptu. LOL.
* Smiling goes a looooooong way. :)
I'm just happy la.
And lastly, totally random. But ehm...I've realized that I'm in love. I'm in love with a boy that's leaving. Fuck. I'm screwed.
Work's been awesome these few days. *Beams*
My CD has been sending me to interview some advertising titans for a project CRUSH is doing with Pixelpost (Kancil Awards Hall of Fame).
I'm basically the person behind (well...more like, BESIDE) the camera asking questions for the inductees' testimonial. The whole day is spent with the Pixelpost boys (who are ADORABLE by the way ;p), going from one agency to another, meeting all these GREAT advertising otai-s, talking and learning, absorbing and basking in the greatness of the hall of famers' stories.
One word to describe this whole experience: EDUCATIONAL.
It has also ignited my passion for advertising ALL OVER AGAIN. :D
It's good to be reminded why I'm still in this industry.
Some randoms thought while working on this project:
* LB (Leo Burnett for the uninitiated) is SO. FUCKING. AWESOME! The office is unbelievable. That is one place i SWEAR I'll be working at, at some point of my advertising career. ;)
* I fell in love with Yasmin Ahmad, without even meeting the woman.
* I'm intrigued by John Machado and am saddened that i didn't get to know such a great ad-man.
* GPS systems work! HAHAHA. Chris (Pixelpost's Director) has one in his car. Names it 'Sally' (O_o) and INSISTS that she's accurate. She's screw-y sumtimes, but...oh well. Layan oni la the English boy.
* The older generation ad people don't believe in being impromptu. LOL.
* Smiling goes a looooooong way. :)
I'm just happy la.
And lastly, totally random. But ehm...I've realized that I'm in love. I'm in love with a boy that's leaving. Fuck. I'm screwed.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Movin' on out~
People around me are packing up and leaving.
I don't like this. Nay. HATE this!
I get stressed out ---> O_o, then i feel empty ---> :'(.
I've never reacted well to people leaving...and movin' on. Even when they're not DIRECTLY leaving me.
I don't think I'm allergic to change, coz i believe that change is good. But come end of November, things are going to be SO fucking different.
Babe's done with Uni and moving back home (and it's NO WHERE NEAR MALAYSIA!), watched as his housemate pack her stuff to move to a new apartment (and eventho we're not close, i STILL felt empty, as i watched her lug her stuff out), the ex found a new apartment and wants to take all the furniture at the end of the month, two colleagues are leaving soon...
Stress is manifesting itself on my nose. HAHAHAHAA.
Seriously. It's only when I'm super duper stressed that a pimple appears there.
Meh! I'm gonna go try fill this void with glasses of Teh Ais at the Mamak downstairs. No alco for me tho. I'm trying this new sleeping meds that Babe gave me (coz I'm always complaining that i can't sleep) and mixing that with alco is just gonna fuck me up goooood.
I don't like this. Nay. HATE this!
I get stressed out ---> O_o, then i feel empty ---> :'(.
I've never reacted well to people leaving...and movin' on. Even when they're not DIRECTLY leaving me.
I don't think I'm allergic to change, coz i believe that change is good. But come end of November, things are going to be SO fucking different.
Babe's done with Uni and moving back home (and it's NO WHERE NEAR MALAYSIA!), watched as his housemate pack her stuff to move to a new apartment (and eventho we're not close, i STILL felt empty, as i watched her lug her stuff out), the ex found a new apartment and wants to take all the furniture at the end of the month, two colleagues are leaving soon...
Stress is manifesting itself on my nose. HAHAHAHAA.
Seriously. It's only when I'm super duper stressed that a pimple appears there.
Meh! I'm gonna go try fill this void with glasses of Teh Ais at the Mamak downstairs. No alco for me tho. I'm trying this new sleeping meds that Babe gave me (coz I'm always complaining that i can't sleep) and mixing that with alco is just gonna fuck me up goooood.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Baaaabe :-* :-* :-*
Someone gave this to me today, coz he's scared that I'm angry at him.

Close friends would now IMMEDIATELY who it is.
Only one person really calls me 'Babe' (and vice versa).
It's actually a Flash animation. But i can't figure out how to put it in here. *shrugs*
So here's the link should you guys be rajin enuff to go and check it out. Blogspot's ALSO not linking the link, ( Cibai. -_-) so just cut and paste the URL la k. ;p
I don't know how long the link's gonna be available for...but oh well.
I'm just sharing, coz eventho i AM irritated with him, it still made me smile. ;)

Close friends would now IMMEDIATELY who it is.
Only one person really calls me 'Babe' (and vice versa).
It's actually a Flash animation. But i can't figure out how to put it in here. *shrugs*
So here's the link should you guys be rajin enuff to go and check it out. Blogspot's ALSO not linking the link, ( Cibai. -_-) so just cut and paste the URL la k. ;p
I don't know how long the link's gonna be available for...but oh well.
I'm just sharing, coz eventho i AM irritated with him, it still made me smile. ;)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Lust. Captured on film.
Sorry to dissapoint.
I ain't posting up porn. HAHA.
Stumbled upon this pix again.
Made me smile (AND cringe) for a bit.
But above all. Made me remember.
How new and exciting things were back then.
How hot it was.
How completely NUTS we were.

Good times Babe. Good times...
*Pix courtesy of
I ain't posting up porn. HAHA.
Stumbled upon this pix again.
Made me smile (AND cringe) for a bit.
But above all. Made me remember.
How new and exciting things were back then.
How hot it was.
How completely NUTS we were.

Good times Babe. Good times...
*Pix courtesy of
Monday, November 3, 2008
Nothing in particular.
Just zoning out at work rite now.
Wanted to post up sum pix frm a flurry of birthday celebrations since last month, but couldn't be arsed to do so.
Maybe tomorrow la...
It's funny. I've been sleeping alot on Sunday. But the more sleep i get, the more fucked-up i feel. O_o. Terbalik ok. Even after some wine last night i couldn't sleep properly. Woke up with weird dreams in my head. Dreamt of him and HIM. Think it's my guilt speaking out. Coz when I'm conscious...I can control it. Coz when I'm conscious, i reason with myself that there shouldn't even be guilt there in the first place! READ: Me iz not engaged anymore.
Maybe the guilt's towards ME. Hmm...I dunno.
Lemme zone out summore and maybe I'll figure it out.
I wonder if The Hills has new episodes online already.
It's always nice to drown out my thoughts in trashy American TV shows. ;)
Just zoning out at work rite now.
Wanted to post up sum pix frm a flurry of birthday celebrations since last month, but couldn't be arsed to do so.
Maybe tomorrow la...
It's funny. I've been sleeping alot on Sunday. But the more sleep i get, the more fucked-up i feel. O_o. Terbalik ok. Even after some wine last night i couldn't sleep properly. Woke up with weird dreams in my head. Dreamt of him and HIM. Think it's my guilt speaking out. Coz when I'm conscious...I can control it. Coz when I'm conscious, i reason with myself that there shouldn't even be guilt there in the first place! READ: Me iz not engaged anymore.
Maybe the guilt's towards ME. Hmm...I dunno.
Lemme zone out summore and maybe I'll figure it out.
I wonder if The Hills has new episodes online already.
It's always nice to drown out my thoughts in trashy American TV shows. ;)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Found: A post-it note. Beside the bed. On the side table.
It wasn't a dream.
I 'WAS' really here.
Last night and this morning.
It wasn't a dream.
I 'WAS' really here.
Last night and this morning.
Me. Need. Sleep. -_-
Oh god. I'm SO brain-dead today. But it didn't hit me till after lunch.
Stayed up late last night with him. Spent the evening, drinking wine & martini, layan-ing hilarious Arab ads on Youtube, watching the latest eps of Heroes, chillaxin' and talking. We talked. And talked. AND talked. Till 5.30ish in the morning. O_o
I'm screwed coz i had to wake up in a couple of hours to get ready for work.
He can sleep in coz there's no classes. *Grrr*
I'm SO ready to go back and sleep rite now. Zombie-chic doesn't really suit me.
Oh. That's a zombie sound, by the way. HAHA. Ok. I'll stop.
Stayed up late last night with him. Spent the evening, drinking wine & martini, layan-ing hilarious Arab ads on Youtube, watching the latest eps of Heroes, chillaxin' and talking. We talked. And talked. AND talked. Till 5.30ish in the morning. O_o
I'm screwed coz i had to wake up in a couple of hours to get ready for work.
He can sleep in coz there's no classes. *Grrr*
I'm SO ready to go back and sleep rite now. Zombie-chic doesn't really suit me.
Oh. That's a zombie sound, by the way. HAHA. Ok. I'll stop.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Word of the day: RANDOM.
I'm reading a couple of random blogs rite now.
People I know but don't actually know (can ah like dat? HAHA).
We bump into each other at parties...we have mutual friends...we kinda dated the same guy (O_o)...someone was involved with someone else i know...this one's a close friend to someone i ADORE...yata yata yata.
It's all SO random!
Don't you wonder too? If someone out there's actually doing the exact same thing? Reading your blog...checking your Facebook pictures...silently trying to figure YOU out.
Amazing innit? ;)
How everything's connected. One minute you're surfing the net, and the're reading someone's personal thoughts and what they had for lunch that day.
Was talking to a friend on MSN-IM a while back.
First thing he said was: "Adrenalin!".
And i was like, "Huh? Wa...".
Him: "That's wat comes to mind when i see ur name. Been sitting here for the past 5 minutes thinkin about how ur name sounds like adrenalin".
Me: -_-
Him: "Scary isn't it? While you were busy doing watever it is you were doing, somebody's been pondering about you."
People I know but don't actually know (can ah like dat? HAHA).
We bump into each other at parties...we have mutual friends...we kinda dated the same guy (O_o)...someone was involved with someone else i know...this one's a close friend to someone i ADORE...yata yata yata.
It's all SO random!
Don't you wonder too? If someone out there's actually doing the exact same thing? Reading your blog...checking your Facebook pictures...silently trying to figure YOU out.
Amazing innit? ;)
How everything's connected. One minute you're surfing the net, and the're reading someone's personal thoughts and what they had for lunch that day.
Was talking to a friend on MSN-IM a while back.
First thing he said was: "Adrenalin!".
And i was like, "Huh? Wa...".
Him: "That's wat comes to mind when i see ur name. Been sitting here for the past 5 minutes thinkin about how ur name sounds like adrenalin".
Me: -_-
Him: "Scary isn't it? While you were busy doing watever it is you were doing, somebody's been pondering about you."
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
NOT an emo post/ Ham Sap Subliminal messages
Read back all my past blogs. Lately it's been nothing but emo..emo...EMO! -_-. My life is REALLY not that angst-y, i swear. Guess all beef and anger goes here, as opposed to me randomly exploding in people's face. But enuff of that, here's a post that is emo-free. *clapclap* ;-)
Here's my daily (work) ritual. Mondays- Fridays:
> Slaughter a chicken.
> Haha. Yea rite. Gila. Wat for i slaughter a chicken pagi-pagi?!
> Get ready. Blah-di-blah-di-blah. Get into the office.
> Plug laptop charger in. Turn laptop on.
> Make elixir of life #1 i.e coffee.
> Open office mail.
> Log into MSN msger.
> Check Hotmail account.
> Log on to...(wat else?) FaceBook!
> Read KinkyBlueFairy's blog.
> Depending on how rajin i am at this point, maybe even layan
> Write.
> REach for elixor of life #2 i.e Ciggies.Smoke.
> Second cup of coffee.
> Continue work.
> Melt into oblivion as the day passes...
These are set regimens, every morning. I just realized that I've been doing this for the past 1 year! O_o.In THIS exact order. I always thought i wasn't much for routines but hey...guess we all are creatures of comfort. ;)
OMG OMG OMG. hahahhahaa. You have to watch this clip. It's fucking hilarious. I'm torn between being mortally horrified...or psychotically amused! Was just talking about subliminal messages with Susu last night ;). He was telling me about how there's an entire group, sumwhere online that dedicates themselves to finding sexual subliminal messages in all Disney movies. *LMAO*
Enjoy the pervertness of it all...
Here's my daily (work) ritual. Mondays- Fridays:
> Slaughter a chicken.
> Haha. Yea rite. Gila. Wat for i slaughter a chicken pagi-pagi?!
> Get ready. Blah-di-blah-di-blah. Get into the office.
> Plug laptop charger in. Turn laptop on.
> Make elixir of life #1 i.e coffee.
> Open office mail.
> Log into MSN msger.
> Check Hotmail account.
> Log on to...(wat else?) FaceBook!
> Read KinkyBlueFairy's blog.
> Depending on how rajin i am at this point, maybe even layan
> Write.
> REach for elixor of life #2 i.e Ciggies.Smoke.
> Second cup of coffee.
> Continue work.
> Melt into oblivion as the day passes...
These are set regimens, every morning. I just realized that I've been doing this for the past 1 year! O_o.In THIS exact order. I always thought i wasn't much for routines but hey...guess we all are creatures of comfort. ;)
OMG OMG OMG. hahahhahaa. You have to watch this clip. It's fucking hilarious. I'm torn between being mortally horrified...or psychotically amused! Was just talking about subliminal messages with Susu last night ;). He was telling me about how there's an entire group, sumwhere online that dedicates themselves to finding sexual subliminal messages in all Disney movies. *LMAO*
Enjoy the pervertness of it all...
Friday, September 19, 2008
This is me. This is me not caring. See the difference?!!
5 months. That's how long ago we first met. That's how long we managed to enjoy each other. I'm surprised we even got this far. I think you were part of the Universe's integral plan to help me get out of an engagement that wasn't meant to be, and for that...i thank you. :)
This isn't an ode to you (yeah, knowing how fucking perasan you'd think this was a shrine for you kan) but if, for some weird reason you ACTUALLY stumble upon and read what i write, then at least it'll help you understand what i feel/ think/ do.
Babe, you were a prick that day. You shouldn't have thrown my ciggies out the window (and ok fine, maybe i shouldn't have said, "FUCK.YOU!" quite so harshly either). But dude, you were laying on the unwanted sarcasm pretty fucking thick! I think, out of all the "Fuck you-s" and "Screw you-s" we ever said to one another (jokingly or otherwise), this particular one was probably your best deserved one. You're an idiot. You're an idiot for not understanding Malaysian culture/ rules/ norms, and an even BIGGER idiot for not respecting what i didn't wanna do. Those close to me would know what happened at this point but for the rest, trust me...he should have respected my wishes. I wasn't giving attitude...I gave courtesy. And if your foreign ass can't see that, then TOO. FUCKING. BAD!
So, watever. Great timing Babe. You got what you want. We got sick of each other and now you're free to chase pussy as you please. And CONGRATZ. I now, officially don't care anymore.
This isn't an ode to you (yeah, knowing how fucking perasan you'd think this was a shrine for you kan) but if, for some weird reason you ACTUALLY stumble upon and read what i write, then at least it'll help you understand what i feel/ think/ do.
Babe, you were a prick that day. You shouldn't have thrown my ciggies out the window (and ok fine, maybe i shouldn't have said, "FUCK.YOU!" quite so harshly either). But dude, you were laying on the unwanted sarcasm pretty fucking thick! I think, out of all the "Fuck you-s" and "Screw you-s" we ever said to one another (jokingly or otherwise), this particular one was probably your best deserved one. You're an idiot. You're an idiot for not understanding Malaysian culture/ rules/ norms, and an even BIGGER idiot for not respecting what i didn't wanna do. Those close to me would know what happened at this point but for the rest, trust me...he should have respected my wishes. I wasn't giving attitude...I gave courtesy. And if your foreign ass can't see that, then TOO. FUCKING. BAD!
So, watever. Great timing Babe. You got what you want. We got sick of each other and now you're free to chase pussy as you please. And CONGRATZ. I now, officially don't care anymore.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Exit: Stage left.
Oh god. I just read her blog. Just kinda stumbled on it, really. Never knew she was that deep. And it confirmed a lot of the things that i suspected. But instead of bitterness or anger (or even jealousy) i only felt moved. I think she's still in love with him. I could be wrong (u know how vague people are in blogs kan).
I don't want mess with this anymore la. Like, if she was bitchy and what not it would've been a lot easier. But she's sweet, and thoughtful and DEEEEP (did i mention deep??). And er, she's also very emo. I can't la.If anything, i don't wanna end up like that.
So, I'm making my exit. A graceful one...The years and the men have prepared me for this.
*Takes a bow*
EXIT: Stage left!
I don't want mess with this anymore la. Like, if she was bitchy and what not it would've been a lot easier. But she's sweet, and thoughtful and DEEEEP (did i mention deep??). And er, she's also very emo. I can't la.If anything, i don't wanna end up like that.
So, I'm making my exit. A graceful one...The years and the men have prepared me for this.
*Takes a bow*
EXIT: Stage left!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I live in a town called 'CHAOS'
I haven't blogged in a while. Just couldn't be bothered. Too much shit's been happening and thought it'd be too fucking depressing to write it all down. And besides, he thinks it's a waste of time to blog. I beg to differ Babe.
*Fuck, everyone's leaving the office now -_-, so i gotta pack-up my shit and leave. Bluergh. I'll rant another time then. Toodles.*
*Fuck, everyone's leaving the office now -_-, so i gotta pack-up my shit and leave. Bluergh. I'll rant another time then. Toodles.*
Friday, June 13, 2008
T.B.W.A. Let's GO!

The CORBIS Futsal tournie is here again! And like last year, all agency teams also have a cheersquad. The TBWA cheerleaders won 'Best Cheer' in 2007 *yay* (REGARDLESS of us being the ONLY cheerleading squad -_- Wateva. We were still awesome.)'08 sees me as not part of the cheerleading squad anymore, but as the choreograpaher/ coach/ cikgu. ;)

Heard that there'll be sum stiff competition this year (2 other agencies are also sending in their cheergirls). But gurrrrl. You better BRING IT!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I. Just. CAN'T!
There's a TON of things to clear in the office, a TON of personal stuff to settle, friends that need favors and miscellaneous shit along the lines. And i just. Can't. Fucking. Focus. -_- I CAN'T!
As I'm sitting down at my place in the office, in front of the laptop, willing myself to focus and get in the zone so i can write, i just find my head filled with too many random thoughts. They just keep popping up. And incubating themselves there.
It's like annoying little flies that i just CAN'T swot away. They keep hovering...and buzzing around...refusing to go away. And then i get fidgety. And restless. Even going out to the office staircase to smoke doesn't help. I just brood in a corner, my mind a jumble of mess.
Was smoking yesterday, and my CD came out. One look at me and this came out of his mouth, "You look like you're in pain." And i guess i am lah. -_-
It's like, i look fine (Still cun. Still fashionable. *Bwuek*), but when in fact, I'm REALLY not. Like, i saw Poomela on Sunday @ Delicious and was telling her all that's been goin on in my life and shit. And she had this worried look on her face. That made me stop. She said that although i keep on repeating to her that, "I'm fine", she thinks I'm the complete opposite. (Thanks for the vote of confidence by the way Pammmm -_- haha.) But it's great that she's not baby-ing me through all this crap. I lav you Poomelaaa. I told you that already rite? ;p
She's right. I need to take care of myself. No more distractions (you know who you are. And am pretty sure you read my blog). I'm self-destructing, i swear. It's like, I've been computed to turn into a choreographed mess every now and then. I am only able to operate smoothly/ happily/ mess-free for a certain period of time, and then i set myself for detonation.
In 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1.
As I'm sitting down at my place in the office, in front of the laptop, willing myself to focus and get in the zone so i can write, i just find my head filled with too many random thoughts. They just keep popping up. And incubating themselves there.
It's like annoying little flies that i just CAN'T swot away. They keep hovering...and buzzing around...refusing to go away. And then i get fidgety. And restless. Even going out to the office staircase to smoke doesn't help. I just brood in a corner, my mind a jumble of mess.
Was smoking yesterday, and my CD came out. One look at me and this came out of his mouth, "You look like you're in pain." And i guess i am lah. -_-
It's like, i look fine (Still cun. Still fashionable. *Bwuek*), but when in fact, I'm REALLY not. Like, i saw Poomela on Sunday @ Delicious and was telling her all that's been goin on in my life and shit. And she had this worried look on her face. That made me stop. She said that although i keep on repeating to her that, "I'm fine", she thinks I'm the complete opposite. (Thanks for the vote of confidence by the way Pammmm -_- haha.) But it's great that she's not baby-ing me through all this crap. I lav you Poomelaaa. I told you that already rite? ;p
She's right. I need to take care of myself. No more distractions (you know who you are. And am pretty sure you read my blog). I'm self-destructing, i swear. It's like, I've been computed to turn into a choreographed mess every now and then. I am only able to operate smoothly/ happily/ mess-free for a certain period of time, and then i set myself for detonation.
In 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Beautiful Mess~
Pierces the fucking heart.
I swear, Jason wrote this for me.
I can imagine sumone listening to this and the first image that pops in their mind is,well... Adriana. -_-
I've attached the lyrics so you can see what i mean. I'm not being perasan on the whole "Beautiful" bit, but i can DEFINITELY identify with the whole "mess" part.
Jason Mraz-Beautiful Mess
You’ve got the best of both worlds
You’re the kind of girl who can take down a man,
And lift him back up again
You are strong but you’re needy,
Humble but you’re greedy
Based on your body language, your shouted cursive I’ve been reading
You’re style is quite selective though your mind is rather reckless
Well I guess it just suggests that this is just what happiness is
Hey, what a beautiful mess this is
It’s like picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you write
Kind of turn themselves into knives
And don't mind my nerve you can call it fiction
‘Cause I like being submerged in your contradictions dear
‘Cause here we are, here we are
Although you were biased I love your advice
Your comebacks they’re quick and probably have to do with your insecurities
There’s no shame in being crazy, depending on how you take these
Words that paraphrasing this relationship we’re staging
And it’s a beautiful mess, yes it is
It’s like, we are picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say
Kind of turn themselves into blades
And the kind and courteous is a life I’ve heard
But it’s nice to say that we played in the dirt
Cause here, here we are, Here we are
Here we are x7
We're still here
And what a beautiful mess this is
It’s like taking a guess when the only answer is yes
And through timeless words in priceless pictures
We’ll fly like birds not of this earth
And tides they turn and hearts disfigure
But that’s no concern when we’re wounded together
And we tore our dresses and stained our shirts
But it’s nice today, oh the wait was so worth it
I swear, Jason wrote this for me.
I can imagine sumone listening to this and the first image that pops in their mind is,well... Adriana. -_-
I've attached the lyrics so you can see what i mean. I'm not being perasan on the whole "Beautiful" bit, but i can DEFINITELY identify with the whole "mess" part.
Jason Mraz-Beautiful Mess
You’ve got the best of both worlds
You’re the kind of girl who can take down a man,
And lift him back up again
You are strong but you’re needy,
Humble but you’re greedy
Based on your body language, your shouted cursive I’ve been reading
You’re style is quite selective though your mind is rather reckless
Well I guess it just suggests that this is just what happiness is
Hey, what a beautiful mess this is
It’s like picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you write
Kind of turn themselves into knives
And don't mind my nerve you can call it fiction
‘Cause I like being submerged in your contradictions dear
‘Cause here we are, here we are
Although you were biased I love your advice
Your comebacks they’re quick and probably have to do with your insecurities
There’s no shame in being crazy, depending on how you take these
Words that paraphrasing this relationship we’re staging
And it’s a beautiful mess, yes it is
It’s like, we are picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say
Kind of turn themselves into blades
And the kind and courteous is a life I’ve heard
But it’s nice to say that we played in the dirt
Cause here, here we are, Here we are
Here we are x7
We're still here
And what a beautiful mess this is
It’s like taking a guess when the only answer is yes
And through timeless words in priceless pictures
We’ll fly like birds not of this earth
And tides they turn and hearts disfigure
But that’s no concern when we’re wounded together
And we tore our dresses and stained our shirts
But it’s nice today, oh the wait was so worth it
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Off tandem...
My eating patterns have been a lil off lately. Usually i skip breakfast altogether, just having coffee and ciggies in the morning and only PROPERLY eating at lunch. These few days I've been eating brunch and skipping lunch (looks like I'm doing that again today -_-). Then i get ravenous around 3 or 4 in the afternoon.
It's actually good, i think. Coz then i can do other stuff at lunch i.e, Sleeping, shopping, do my hair, or my nails yata yata yata. Fuck. Now i sound like a shallow bimbo.
It's actually good, i think. Coz then i can do other stuff at lunch i.e, Sleeping, shopping, do my hair, or my nails yata yata yata. Fuck. Now i sound like a shallow bimbo.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I. am. ACTUALLY. happy. *GRINS*
It's been a good couple of days for me :). Mondays usually suck, but yesterday's was actually a good one. Went for drinks @ SOMO in Mon't Kiara after work with a friend, and got happy tipsy (Had Kinky Blue Fairy!!!). Din feel like heading back to Damansara Perdana directly after, so i called HIM up. We chilled @ La Bodega over at Pavillion, and over Sangrias, talked/ joked/ chilled/ laughed.
I'm still very happy from last night's 'residue' (Everything's a residue innit babe? ;p). I'm happy when I'm hangin out with you.
I'm not being cheezy. Not being mushy. Just stating facts.
I'm still very happy from last night's 'residue' (Everything's a residue innit babe? ;p). I'm happy when I'm hangin out with you.
I'm not being cheezy. Not being mushy. Just stating facts.
Friday, May 30, 2008
It's Friday...I'm in LOVE!
Don't you just feel SO alive when Friday rolls around? *GRINS*
My C.D was asking me how am i doing this morning, (I've been shitty all this week, Monday being the worst I've spiraled into quiet depression)
CD: So, how's things today?
Me: It's Friday. I'm goooooood... *Two thumbs up. Followed by cheezy grin*
CD: So what if there's a landslide? Still good??
Me: It's STILL Friday dude. I dun care. Lalalala. *Me skips out gaily outta his office*
The only thing that can ruin my Friday is if there was a landslide, and land slid ON my car. Then fuck la kan, i can't drive out to party later at night. -_- Eh. But got cab wuuut. ;p So, it's cool.
I have so many things to settle this weekend, I'm tired just thinking about it. -_-
In no particular order:
- Visit hair saloon to touch-up hair and trim it shorter
- Mani & Pedi (I'm thinking of going fire-engine red again)
- Pay bills. OMG. PAY BILSS!!! This should be the first thing i think of rite?!Sheesh.
- Go Showpink's Junkyard sale
- Go Bijou Baazar
- Go Borneo Ink @ Hartamas for Inking appointment
- Take pix of all boutiques around Damansara Perdana area for Tongue in Chic (SHIATZZZ. This is SO overdue! Joyce won't be happy...)
- Thinking of catching Indy Jones (But unsure with who yet ;p)
- Sort laundry
- Sort a mountain of shit that's been dumped unexpectedly at my doorstep
- Sort shit with the EX-Fiance (I want my TV and ASTRO back)
- Stock up on daily essentials (I'm running outta moisturizers and stuff. -_-)
Daaaamn. So many things can die wey.
But it's ok. It's Friday...I'm in LOVE! ;)
My C.D was asking me how am i doing this morning, (I've been shitty all this week, Monday being the worst I've spiraled into quiet depression)
CD: So, how's things today?
Me: It's Friday. I'm goooooood... *Two thumbs up. Followed by cheezy grin*
CD: So what if there's a landslide? Still good??
Me: It's STILL Friday dude. I dun care. Lalalala. *Me skips out gaily outta his office*
The only thing that can ruin my Friday is if there was a landslide, and land slid ON my car. Then fuck la kan, i can't drive out to party later at night. -_- Eh. But got cab wuuut. ;p So, it's cool.
I have so many things to settle this weekend, I'm tired just thinking about it. -_-
In no particular order:
- Visit hair saloon to touch-up hair and trim it shorter
- Mani & Pedi (I'm thinking of going fire-engine red again)
- Pay bills. OMG. PAY BILSS!!! This should be the first thing i think of rite?!Sheesh.
- Go Showpink's Junkyard sale
- Go Bijou Baazar
- Go Borneo Ink @ Hartamas for Inking appointment
- Take pix of all boutiques around Damansara Perdana area for Tongue in Chic (SHIATZZZ. This is SO overdue! Joyce won't be happy...)
- Thinking of catching Indy Jones (But unsure with who yet ;p)
- Sort laundry
- Sort a mountain of shit that's been dumped unexpectedly at my doorstep
- Sort shit with the EX-Fiance (I want my TV and ASTRO back)
- Stock up on daily essentials (I'm running outta moisturizers and stuff. -_-)
Daaaamn. So many things can die wey.
But it's ok. It's Friday...I'm in LOVE! ;)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
That's wat i am rite now. 50% ok. 50% fucked-up.
How is it possible to be on top of the world one day and be at the bottomless pits of Hell the next day? Fuck la.
I know, i know. It's LIFE. -_- But at the rate I'm going, I'll self-combust, I SWEAR! One minute I feel like shit, the next I'm deliriously happy. I think I'm goin nuts.
Slowly...but surely. I'm goin fuckin insane.
I think i need medication.
How is it possible to be on top of the world one day and be at the bottomless pits of Hell the next day? Fuck la.
I know, i know. It's LIFE. -_- But at the rate I'm going, I'll self-combust, I SWEAR! One minute I feel like shit, the next I'm deliriously happy. I think I'm goin nuts.
Slowly...but surely. I'm goin fuckin insane.
I think i need medication.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Death by Playah
You know it's not going to be pretty. You meet a playah PLAYAH, and it's all fun and laughter (thanks Poomela for the phrase ;p).THEN, it gets...strange.
For the next few weeks or so, things are all awesome. You're excited, you have crazy fun (and even CRAZIER sex)and somehow, you feel invincible. Like nothing can touch you. You realize that you're actually happy.
Then fuck, you start falling for this playah. -_- I don't recommend it. I don't fucking recommend it AT ALL. And the worst bit outta all this shitty circumstance? You know you're a player too. Nothing good can come out of this, i tell ya.
Say it with me now people:
Don't die at the hands of a player. No matter HOW cute he is.
For the next few weeks or so, things are all awesome. You're excited, you have crazy fun (and even CRAZIER sex)and somehow, you feel invincible. Like nothing can touch you. You realize that you're actually happy.
Then fuck, you start falling for this playah. -_- I don't recommend it. I don't fucking recommend it AT ALL. And the worst bit outta all this shitty circumstance? You know you're a player too. Nothing good can come out of this, i tell ya.
Say it with me now people:
Don't die at the hands of a player. No matter HOW cute he is.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
INTRODUCING: Tongue in Chic. Featuring: MOI!
Too early to ACTUALLY announce la.

But Joyce The Fairy started a fashion blog, called Tongue in Chic. Catchy tajuk don't you think? So, was reading her blog and there was a shout-out for contributing writers. Naturally, I e-mailed her. My e-mail headline goes:
"Ooooh Ooh. Pick me Joyce. PICK ME!"
Caught her attention, and she e-mailed me back within a few hours. *Yays. Clap-clap*
So, I've been assigned to cover some boutiques around my area (Damansara Perdana) to begin with, and any other things i see fit, later on. I get paid for the posts, depending on the length and type but that is SO besides the point! I get to work with KinkyBlueFairy herself! And if that's not reason enuff...I DUNNO WAT IS! (Ok, i sound demented rite now. Scary sial)
I'm excited to the MAX! But fuck la, i need to get my own Digicam. -_- Been meaning to get my own for quite a while now. Procrastinated and now, cibai. When i REALLY need it takde. *sigh*

But Joyce The Fairy started a fashion blog, called Tongue in Chic. Catchy tajuk don't you think? So, was reading her blog and there was a shout-out for contributing writers. Naturally, I e-mailed her. My e-mail headline goes:
"Ooooh Ooh. Pick me Joyce. PICK ME!"
Caught her attention, and she e-mailed me back within a few hours. *Yays. Clap-clap*
So, I've been assigned to cover some boutiques around my area (Damansara Perdana) to begin with, and any other things i see fit, later on. I get paid for the posts, depending on the length and type but that is SO besides the point! I get to work with KinkyBlueFairy herself! And if that's not reason enuff...I DUNNO WAT IS! (Ok, i sound demented rite now. Scary sial)
I'm excited to the MAX! But fuck la, i need to get my own Digicam. -_- Been meaning to get my own for quite a while now. Procrastinated and now, cibai. When i REALLY need it takde. *sigh*
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tiesto/ Change-is-a-coming/ And other cock stories
Went to PD last weekend for THE party of the year. This was an even longer weekend as compared to R5GG (Revelation 5 Global Gathering). We headed down Friday afternoon (took half-day summore ok. We were THAT bersemangat!)to avoid any form of traffic. But traffic was relatively clear. Goodo!

I drove down with Susu. And you know wat? The 1 1/2 hours drive wasn't boring. Not even for a minute. So, that was awesome. I can't be bothered to recap EVERYTHING that happened last weekend, but here are highlights:
* 2 dudes got in a tiff because of one's snoring. Weird. I know.
* People keep on mentioning to me that this particular chick i know is hot. And i can't fucking see it.
* I learnt that most trance DJs from Europe e.g Tiesto etc etc are gay. I have to do more research on that.
* People don't really know me. They think I'm sumthing, and i turn out to be sumthing completely else.
* SUSU ACTUALLY CHECKED ME OUT (well my ass to be precise) 4 YEARS AGO IN UNI, AT A PLAY REHEARSAL WITHOUT KNOWING IT'S ME. ~It's weird how our paths should cross again now.
* Ash's slut will ALWAYS be a slut. -_-
* I had THE shittiest lunch ever on Sat: A lil white rice, with kuah pajeri nenas and a piece of fried chicken. Susu had the same. I'm sorry you followed wat i was eating babe.
* But we had THE best dinner that nite: TGIFridays' Cheeeeseeee Burgerrrrrr. Fucking yummmmmy!
* First rave nite i gave up by 2am. Second rave nite by 2.30-ish am.
* Met a guy who was Haanim's fren by the pool. His name was "Tiger" -_- Cibai. Tiger konon.
* Secret squirrel emo-ed. *sigh* Why am i even surprised? All our outings would not be complete without it.
* Had chinese food in some old-skool/dodgy part of PD with Poobee, Ah Chai and Susu on the way back to KL.
* Hung-out @ Susu's for a bit when we reached home. Realized how cool his house mates are. :)
* Reached D'sara Perdana and hung-out with Ash and Mamasan and Quek @ Rasta TTDI.
That's about it for Freedom weekend. Pix are all in my FB.
Oh ya. Am separated with The Fiance. Long-ass story that i don't wanna tell. But basically, am working on the logistics rite now of where i'm moving out to and stuff. Pls dun worry about me, i'm doing fine. And no, it has nothing to do with ANYONE. It was my decision all along.
Went for a brainstorming session this morning @ a client's place. Was a very productive one i think. ;p Never has the Copywriter (i.e ME) been given so much credibility before. With it...comes pressure too. But i'm liking it. I'm liking it very much... :)
That's it la. Damn malas to story the other cock-stories.

I drove down with Susu. And you know wat? The 1 1/2 hours drive wasn't boring. Not even for a minute. So, that was awesome. I can't be bothered to recap EVERYTHING that happened last weekend, but here are highlights:
* 2 dudes got in a tiff because of one's snoring. Weird. I know.
* People keep on mentioning to me that this particular chick i know is hot. And i can't fucking see it.
* I learnt that most trance DJs from Europe e.g Tiesto etc etc are gay. I have to do more research on that.
* People don't really know me. They think I'm sumthing, and i turn out to be sumthing completely else.
* SUSU ACTUALLY CHECKED ME OUT (well my ass to be precise) 4 YEARS AGO IN UNI, AT A PLAY REHEARSAL WITHOUT KNOWING IT'S ME. ~It's weird how our paths should cross again now.
* Ash's slut will ALWAYS be a slut. -_-
* I had THE shittiest lunch ever on Sat: A lil white rice, with kuah pajeri nenas and a piece of fried chicken. Susu had the same. I'm sorry you followed wat i was eating babe.
* But we had THE best dinner that nite: TGIFridays' Cheeeeseeee Burgerrrrrr. Fucking yummmmmy!
* First rave nite i gave up by 2am. Second rave nite by 2.30-ish am.
* Met a guy who was Haanim's fren by the pool. His name was "Tiger" -_- Cibai. Tiger konon.
* Secret squirrel emo-ed. *sigh* Why am i even surprised? All our outings would not be complete without it.
* Had chinese food in some old-skool/dodgy part of PD with Poobee, Ah Chai and Susu on the way back to KL.
* Hung-out @ Susu's for a bit when we reached home. Realized how cool his house mates are. :)
* Reached D'sara Perdana and hung-out with Ash and Mamasan and Quek @ Rasta TTDI.
That's about it for Freedom weekend. Pix are all in my FB.
Oh ya. Am separated with The Fiance. Long-ass story that i don't wanna tell. But basically, am working on the logistics rite now of where i'm moving out to and stuff. Pls dun worry about me, i'm doing fine. And no, it has nothing to do with ANYONE. It was my decision all along.
Went for a brainstorming session this morning @ a client's place. Was a very productive one i think. ;p Never has the Copywriter (i.e ME) been given so much credibility before. With it...comes pressure too. But i'm liking it. I'm liking it very much... :)
That's it la. Damn malas to story the other cock-stories.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
"" (???)
...Coz I DON'T. -_-
As if things aren't screwed-up enough as it is, people start giving you more shit. And for the stupidest reasons too.
How can FaceBook be an issue? How can our opinions about FB be right or wrong?! Halo. Give you correct answer also salah, give you wrong answer also salah, give you KISS-ASS answer also salah, give you HONEST answer LAGI la salah! -_-
Stop making people feel like shit. Stop making people feel like shit, for fun.
It ain't cool la...
Get a life. I'll lend mine to you for the time being if you're so hard up. Ok?
As if things aren't screwed-up enough as it is, people start giving you more shit. And for the stupidest reasons too.
How can FaceBook be an issue? How can our opinions about FB be right or wrong?! Halo. Give you correct answer also salah, give you wrong answer also salah, give you KISS-ASS answer also salah, give you HONEST answer LAGI la salah! -_-
Stop making people feel like shit. Stop making people feel like shit, for fun.
It ain't cool la...
Get a life. I'll lend mine to you for the time being if you're so hard up. Ok?
Friday, May 2, 2008
I'm not supposed to feel this way about you...
It's funny i suppose. How randomly we met. And how we instantaneously connected (party-ly and physically speaking). You told me that it bothered you how much you liked me. That your problem is, you liked me TOO much. O_o
And after hanging out with you 4 times, 4 weeks (?) in a row, i think i like you too. A lot more than i should. A lot more than what's allowed.
You know what i think? I think that given enough time and given enough chances, you can fall for people. There's beauty in everybody and if you looked hard enough, there's always something there that you like and inevitably, love.
Thank GOD people can't read minds. I have so many thoughts in my head that aren't supposed to be there, that it's scary. You can have an entire affair raging and replaying in your mind and no one can tell. You can be fully contented, lying in the arms of the man you love, watching TV AND be having an adulterous romp in your head simultaneously.
God, save me from myself...
And after hanging out with you 4 times, 4 weeks (?) in a row, i think i like you too. A lot more than i should. A lot more than what's allowed.
You know what i think? I think that given enough time and given enough chances, you can fall for people. There's beauty in everybody and if you looked hard enough, there's always something there that you like and inevitably, love.
Thank GOD people can't read minds. I have so many thoughts in my head that aren't supposed to be there, that it's scary. You can have an entire affair raging and replaying in your mind and no one can tell. You can be fully contented, lying in the arms of the man you love, watching TV AND be having an adulterous romp in your head simultaneously.
God, save me from myself...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Firing-it-up. Flow creative juices...FLOOOOOOW!

The El-Presidante of CRUSH flew in from the Singapore office today to have a chat with CRUSH Malaysia. Plenty of good tidings, awesome news and inspiring words were delivered. It's good to be reminded how much i LOVE being in the advertising business!
Highlight: TNBT (The Next Best Thing), the company that basically owns CRUSH in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Phillipines and Brunei is starting a 'TNBT Star' awards, identifying the one person in CRUSH of each country that has the most potential. Each 'star' will then be flown to Singapore for a meet-up and a winner will be determined. At the end of it all, that year's TNBT Star will be going to the UK for a stint with our network company. OMG. How FUN is that?! :P
This has fired me up INTENSELY and goes without saying, i want that SPOT! Throwing it out to the Universe again. I will be CRUSH Malaysia's nominee for TNBT Star. Mark my words. ;p
Monday, April 21, 2008
Breath Adry...BREEEEEEATH....
I dun fucking gettit la. Wat is your deal??!!!
SMSed you (AND a couple of other ppl as well) to find out if ur heading to TAG, and you dun reply- fine. You SMSed me back the next day to tell me ur sorry, you left ur phone at home- still FINE. And then i see TAG pix on FB and sumhow or rather, you were there! SO. NOT. FINE! WAT. THE. FUCK!!!
Dude. Wat is ur problem? -_-
I'm trying REALLY hard not to let this bother me. But it's getting INCREASINGLY hard to pretend that it doesn't.
Breath Adry...BREEEEEATH....In a couple of hours, this will all seem funny to you.
SMSed you (AND a couple of other ppl as well) to find out if ur heading to TAG, and you dun reply- fine. You SMSed me back the next day to tell me ur sorry, you left ur phone at home- still FINE. And then i see TAG pix on FB and sumhow or rather, you were there! SO. NOT. FINE! WAT. THE. FUCK!!!
Dude. Wat is ur problem? -_-
I'm trying REALLY hard not to let this bother me. But it's getting INCREASINGLY hard to pretend that it doesn't.
Breath Adry...BREEEEEATH....In a couple of hours, this will all seem funny to you.
Monday, April 14, 2008
My biggest (AND filthiest) accomplishment of 2008~
*Does anyone even read this blog???*
Okay, that outta the way, i have made my biggest accomplishment this year, so far. No, i haven't won a creative award yet. And no, i haven't gotten married yet (why is that even considered an accomplishment again?!). And no i haven't snogged John Legend...YET! ;p
But what i HAVE done, is make two cute boys tongue each other. O_o With me in the middle. >_<
VJ sed i gave them a raw deal. And that i prolly turned them into a couple of gay-boys.Hahahaha. But hey, they oni did that to tongue ME! Haloooo. SO worth it.
It scares me sumtimes, how filthy my soul is. HAHAHAHA. No, really! I take pleasure in the most twisted things. Guys making-out with each other...guys wearing women's lingerie...guys in high-heels (feather boa optional)... O_o I'm gonna stop now. I'm scaring myself sial.
Okay, that outta the way, i have made my biggest accomplishment this year, so far. No, i haven't won a creative award yet. And no, i haven't gotten married yet (why is that even considered an accomplishment again?!). And no i haven't snogged John Legend...YET! ;p
But what i HAVE done, is make two cute boys tongue each other. O_o With me in the middle. >_<
VJ sed i gave them a raw deal. And that i prolly turned them into a couple of gay-boys.Hahahaha. But hey, they oni did that to tongue ME! Haloooo. SO worth it.
It scares me sumtimes, how filthy my soul is. HAHAHAHA. No, really! I take pleasure in the most twisted things. Guys making-out with each other...guys wearing women's lingerie...guys in high-heels (feather boa optional)... O_o I'm gonna stop now. I'm scaring myself sial.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Loneliness is funny...
Cause it creeps up on you, when you least expect it.
Cause it hits you, even when you're surrounded by a million people.
Cause it's closely related to "missing someone". They're cousins apparently.
Cause it's good for you. It reminds you that you're not invincible.
Cause it reminds you that you're not a heartless-shallow-party-loving-bitch.
Cause it hits you, even when you're surrounded by a million people.
Cause it's closely related to "missing someone". They're cousins apparently.
Cause it's good for you. It reminds you that you're not invincible.
Cause it reminds you that you're not a heartless-shallow-party-loving-bitch.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The HOTTEST Wai Khru. Ever.
John Wayne Parr.
You. Make. Me. SO. Hot.
Me and The Fiance's been obsessed with The Contender Asia lately. He likes it coz,'s a manly sport. I like it, coz OF the half-naked, sweaty men doing the sport. ;p So, it's a win-win situation. He thinks I'm being a supporting Fiance, and i get to ogle at hot boxers.
Best part of Muay Thai is the Wai Khru before the actual fight.I think it's just so damn seni. Something about paying respects to all the elements before you fight, is very appealing. Such a turn on. I've seen the others do their Wai Khru-s, but John Wayne Parr's is by far...the hottest one. JWP, ur a hot bitch. Mmmmmm-mmm.
You. Make. Me. SO. Hot.
Me and The Fiance's been obsessed with The Contender Asia lately. He likes it coz,'s a manly sport. I like it, coz OF the half-naked, sweaty men doing the sport. ;p So, it's a win-win situation. He thinks I'm being a supporting Fiance, and i get to ogle at hot boxers.
Best part of Muay Thai is the Wai Khru before the actual fight.I think it's just so damn seni. Something about paying respects to all the elements before you fight, is very appealing. Such a turn on. I've seen the others do their Wai Khru-s, but John Wayne Parr's is by far...the hottest one. JWP, ur a hot bitch. Mmmmmm-mmm.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Another AWESOME weekend!!!
Had another REALLY good weekend. :) We kicked-off with Ash's poolside BBQ party on Friday. It's sempena her convocation actually.So Syida and i stepped-up as organizers for the party. Don't have the pix yet, but will post sum up soon. There was good food...and great peeps, so needless to say, we had fun.
Menu was:
- Grilled Black pepper chicken
- Grilled BBQ chicken
- Spaghetti bolognese
- Hot dogs (with mustard)
- Assorted grilled sides: Corn, Potato, Sweet potato, Capsicum
- Assorted fresh fruits: Watermelon and Honey Dew
- Azreen's yummy/spicy popiah
- Junk food galore: Pringles, Twisties (dan lain-lain)
- Drinks/Booze fest: Ice-cold Ribena, Soft drinks, Beer, Whiskey and a bottle of Champagne
- Phaik Kee brought ice-cream too!
Azmil was being really manly man, and helped at the grill (even tho he was still sick). It didn't help that it drizzled slightly half-way through the BBQ -_-. So, i fashioned a plastic bag over his head to keep his head from the rain. hahaha. A certain guy super failed la. Being the princess that he is, ran for cover when it started drizzling. Didn't even know how to start fire -_-. SU-PER FAAAAAAAIL.
Went for Showpink's Junkyard sale on Saturday. omg OMG it's bargains galore weyyyy. Bought 4 things for 80 bucks!!! And they were gorgeous stuff too. Lapsap gear. hahaha.
Damage at the end of Junkyard sale (relatively mild, i should think):
- One neon-pink skull/lightning singlet for RM20
- One striped b&w bustier-ish top for RM15 (fucking bargain!)
- One over-sized granny grey polkadot cardi for RM25
- And one angel/skull soft-cotton top for RM20
Deliriously happy. *sigh*
It was also Shan's birthday on Sat. So, we gathered for her bday dinz @ this Arabic restaurant called Al-Amir at Jalan Damai. Food was generic Arabic, AND i don't do Shisha so it was merely to hang with the gurls la. Sheens wanted to dance, so i took them over to Asian Heritage Row. We parked at BarClub (the old Ivy) coz my sister's bf works there (no cover and FREE flow of booze. Woots!). Wanted to take them to Velvet, but Sheens has this thing against Zouk and anything related to it.Gurl, you don't know what ur missing...
Sunday was very chilled. The Fiance tapau-ed Nasi Lemak from Santai and we ate at home. Then just pretty much lepak-ed at home, watching Astro. For dinz, i gathered the whole family for a get-together @ Cozy House over at Great Eastern Mall. It was nice you know, to see Mama and Ayah again. I haven't been the most doting of daughters. Haven't gone back to the family crib for almost a month now. O_o
I liked last weekend. It was one of those well-balanced ones, where i got to see old friends, hang out with new ones and catch-up with the family, all in the space of 3 days. :) More of those please. It's very good for the soul...
Menu was:
- Grilled Black pepper chicken
- Grilled BBQ chicken
- Spaghetti bolognese
- Hot dogs (with mustard)
- Assorted grilled sides: Corn, Potato, Sweet potato, Capsicum
- Assorted fresh fruits: Watermelon and Honey Dew
- Azreen's yummy/spicy popiah
- Junk food galore: Pringles, Twisties (dan lain-lain)
- Drinks/Booze fest: Ice-cold Ribena, Soft drinks, Beer, Whiskey and a bottle of Champagne
- Phaik Kee brought ice-cream too!
Azmil was being really manly man, and helped at the grill (even tho he was still sick). It didn't help that it drizzled slightly half-way through the BBQ -_-. So, i fashioned a plastic bag over his head to keep his head from the rain. hahaha. A certain guy super failed la. Being the princess that he is, ran for cover when it started drizzling. Didn't even know how to start fire -_-. SU-PER FAAAAAAAIL.
Went for Showpink's Junkyard sale on Saturday. omg OMG it's bargains galore weyyyy. Bought 4 things for 80 bucks!!! And they were gorgeous stuff too. Lapsap gear. hahaha.
Damage at the end of Junkyard sale (relatively mild, i should think):
- One neon-pink skull/lightning singlet for RM20
- One striped b&w bustier-ish top for RM15 (fucking bargain!)
- One over-sized granny grey polkadot cardi for RM25
- And one angel/skull soft-cotton top for RM20
Deliriously happy. *sigh*
It was also Shan's birthday on Sat. So, we gathered for her bday dinz @ this Arabic restaurant called Al-Amir at Jalan Damai. Food was generic Arabic, AND i don't do Shisha so it was merely to hang with the gurls la. Sheens wanted to dance, so i took them over to Asian Heritage Row. We parked at BarClub (the old Ivy) coz my sister's bf works there (no cover and FREE flow of booze. Woots!). Wanted to take them to Velvet, but Sheens has this thing against Zouk and anything related to it.Gurl, you don't know what ur missing...
Sunday was very chilled. The Fiance tapau-ed Nasi Lemak from Santai and we ate at home. Then just pretty much lepak-ed at home, watching Astro. For dinz, i gathered the whole family for a get-together @ Cozy House over at Great Eastern Mall. It was nice you know, to see Mama and Ayah again. I haven't been the most doting of daughters. Haven't gone back to the family crib for almost a month now. O_o
I liked last weekend. It was one of those well-balanced ones, where i got to see old friends, hang out with new ones and catch-up with the family, all in the space of 3 days. :) More of those please. It's very good for the soul...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Federico Franchi: Cream.
Was playing it non-stop in the office yesterday. I think i drove the studio boys nuts.
"Lagu nyamuk apa tu Adry??!" -_- Fuckers.
I think it's CRAZY awesome!!!!
Was playing it non-stop in the office yesterday. I think i drove the studio boys nuts.
"Lagu nyamuk apa tu Adry??!" -_- Fuckers.
I think it's CRAZY awesome!!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Babi-fied weekend/ Watered-down Shutter/ Showpink
Had a really nice, relaxing weekend with the Fiance. Basically we memBABIed all the, sleep. Eat, sleep. Eat, watch movie, sleep. :) Am really happy actually.
I told Syida and Ash before, it's a privilege to stay at home ALL day and do nothing. I mean, there's only so much clubbing a person can take. I'm all up for a mossive party and all that shit but after a while, it's really nice to be able to stay at home, and live under the comforter.
We went for a movie Saturday night to watch Shutter. It's the watered-down American version -_-. Goes to say, it didn't live up to its original Thai namesake. We kinda knew what to expect as well, so there were no surprises la. The only plus point was Joshua Jackson. Too fucking bad he had to turn mental in the end. But even when he's gila and sakit jiwa, he's still hot! HAHAHAHA. Oh wait. I AM attracted to screwed-up people. ;p That's why i find Britney Spears so compelling.
Anyhoo, Showpink's having another junkyard sale.

Woots! Missed out on the LapSap one last weekend @ Palate Pallete. So, I'll DEFINATELY be goin this weekend. It's strange. I'm falling in love with the whole NU Rave thing. Its Neon brights, its disjointed mix of music, its awkwardness, its anti-fashion statement. Thanks to Blink and his LapSap movement. ;p I'm trying to locate this one song I've been hearing when Blink spins. Fuck. I dunno what it's called. -_- But it's awesome wey.
I told Syida and Ash before, it's a privilege to stay at home ALL day and do nothing. I mean, there's only so much clubbing a person can take. I'm all up for a mossive party and all that shit but after a while, it's really nice to be able to stay at home, and live under the comforter.
We went for a movie Saturday night to watch Shutter. It's the watered-down American version -_-. Goes to say, it didn't live up to its original Thai namesake. We kinda knew what to expect as well, so there were no surprises la. The only plus point was Joshua Jackson. Too fucking bad he had to turn mental in the end. But even when he's gila and sakit jiwa, he's still hot! HAHAHAHA. Oh wait. I AM attracted to screwed-up people. ;p That's why i find Britney Spears so compelling.
Anyhoo, Showpink's having another junkyard sale.

Woots! Missed out on the LapSap one last weekend @ Palate Pallete. So, I'll DEFINATELY be goin this weekend. It's strange. I'm falling in love with the whole NU Rave thing. Its Neon brights, its disjointed mix of music, its awkwardness, its anti-fashion statement. Thanks to Blink and his LapSap movement. ;p I'm trying to locate this one song I've been hearing when Blink spins. Fuck. I dunno what it's called. -_- But it's awesome wey.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
"The Crippled Butterfly"
It's not always about parties and shopping.
Here's something that's touched my heart in ways that was unexpected. Taken from Yasmin Ahmad's blog...
"A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day, a small opening appeared; he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther.
Then the man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings.
The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time.
Neither happened. In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly.
What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were nature's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If nature allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been.
And we could never fly."
Here's something that's touched my heart in ways that was unexpected. Taken from Yasmin Ahmad's blog...
"A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day, a small opening appeared; he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther.
Then the man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings.
The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time.
Neither happened. In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly.
What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were nature's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If nature allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been.
And we could never fly."
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I'm okay d...
Thanks for the concern Poobee and Poomela. You gurls are just the sweetest. :)
Me and Azmil patched things up last Thursday, before i left for Bukit Tinggi for SHINE. Biasa lor, chicks being emo. Hoho.
Muaxes PooPoos!!!
(OMG. Check out my long hair. Okay, fine. It wasn't long la. But it was A LOT longer than it is now)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Shine on. SHINE onnnnnnn~
I am ready. Hearts-a-pounding. Adrenalin-a-pumping. Blood-a-racing.It's here.

With much excitement, i make my way to Colmar Tropicale@Bukit Tinggi tomorrow morning for Shine8. It's basically a long weekend where young advertising get to delve into this crazy industry and leave with a bit more understanding of its inner-workings.
God knows how much i ALREADY love the ad biz (and the crazy fucks that work in it ;p)but i do! So being cooped up in a hill-side resort with other ad people is gonna be awesome weyyyyy.
Crush is sending Ash (our A.E) and i this time around. And since I've been to a previous 95% training before,I kinda know what to expect.Not sure if Janet and gang has a few surprises up their sleeves tho. O_o I missed Janet...and wonky Shahnaz...It'll be great learning from them again. :)

Ad Newbie in Progress. That's Shahnaz and The Dream Catchers. -_- Cheezy. I know.
Anyways, it'll be fun. See y'all when i get back.

With much excitement, i make my way to Colmar Tropicale@Bukit Tinggi tomorrow morning for Shine8. It's basically a long weekend where young advertising get to delve into this crazy industry and leave with a bit more understanding of its inner-workings.
God knows how much i ALREADY love the ad biz (and the crazy fucks that work in it ;p)but i do! So being cooped up in a hill-side resort with other ad people is gonna be awesome weyyyyy.
Crush is sending Ash (our A.E) and i this time around. And since I've been to a previous 95% training before,I kinda know what to expect.Not sure if Janet and gang has a few surprises up their sleeves tho. O_o I missed Janet...and wonky Shahnaz...It'll be great learning from them again. :)

Ad Newbie in Progress. That's Shahnaz and The Dream Catchers. -_- Cheezy. I know.
Anyways, it'll be fun. See y'all when i get back.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The silent fiance...
I've not been talking to Azmil for three days now. Had an argument and emo-ed BIG TIME.
Too much stuff at work to think about right now so I'm not layan-ing it too much. Guess it's good timing though, coz I'm leaving for Bukit Tinggi this Friday for a training.
Too much stuff at work to think about right now so I'm not layan-ing it too much. Guess it's good timing though, coz I'm leaving for Bukit Tinggi this Friday for a training.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The shitty truth...
Friday, March 7, 2008
"Screw you. I like Rainbows ok"
Sez me to the studio boys when i asked them to help me design my current blog header.
Hisham was nice enough to layan me la. He went along with my idea, even though his initial reaction was -_-.
So, this post is dedicated to Hisham our Studio boy.
Thanks Hisham for editing my rainbow. And for spending all that time trying to make the size juuuuust right. ;p
Nasi Lemak Ayam for you on Monday.

(That's Hisham on the left, moi and Phaik Kee. Screwing around the office late one night with Hisham's digi cam. I wanted to try out the remote. HAHAHA. Yea. Hisham's camera has a remote -_-)
Hisham was nice enough to layan me la. He went along with my idea, even though his initial reaction was -_-.
So, this post is dedicated to Hisham our Studio boy.
Thanks Hisham for editing my rainbow. And for spending all that time trying to make the size juuuuust right. ;p
Nasi Lemak Ayam for you on Monday.
(That's Hisham on the left, moi and Phaik Kee. Screwing around the office late one night with Hisham's digi cam. I wanted to try out the remote. HAHAHA. Yea. Hisham's camera has a remote -_-)
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
We have moved... :)
Can't take it anymore la.
Too many things in my head and no outlet to purge it out.
Friendster is SO zaman Tok Kadok and i REFUSE to be part of it anymore.
I maintained a blog there. But i haven't logged on in EONS. The blog has been collecting cyber-space dust since mid-last year.
I'm trying to figure a way to import all my previous blogs to this current one.
Anyone that knows, holler please.
But in the mean time, *sigh* I now have a place to rant. And cuss all i want. AND mengutuk sesuka-hati.
Can't take it anymore la.
Too many things in my head and no outlet to purge it out.
Friendster is SO zaman Tok Kadok and i REFUSE to be part of it anymore.
I maintained a blog there. But i haven't logged on in EONS. The blog has been collecting cyber-space dust since mid-last year.
I'm trying to figure a way to import all my previous blogs to this current one.
Anyone that knows, holler please.
But in the mean time, *sigh* I now have a place to rant. And cuss all i want. AND mengutuk sesuka-hati.
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